This Means a Lot to Me

Today, my husband and I went to visit and hang out with our daughter who is in college. We had sushi for lunch and took her shopping for cowgirl boots and grocery. In the evening, we attended Dining Out (an annual AFROTC event honoring cadets). My thoughtful daughter gave me a beautiful journal.
This is what my daughter posted later on Facebook (it made me cry and speechless): "My mom is amazing every day so I wanted to post on not-Mother's Day (although if I wait too long I'll forget, haha). My mom has shown me what sacrifice and "service before self" looks like throughout my entire life. I do maybe one nice thing for her for every 1 million nice things she does for me & she'll still thank me for that one tiny thing. She's always thinking of others and truly cares about people. Thank you, Mom, for showing me what loving others looks like! I love you!"
#fmsphotoaday #FMS_meansalot #daughter #DiningOut #journal
